
What can the dplyr and tidyr functions do?


hospdata = read_csv("datasets/Weekly_United_States_COVID-19_Hospitalization_Metrics_by_County.csv")

## Rows: 9,672
## Columns: 22
## $ state                                                          <chr> "Tennes…
## $ county                                                         <chr> "Greene…
## $ fips_code                                                      <chr> "47059"…
## $ county_population                                              <dbl> 69069, …
## $ health_sa_name                                                 <chr> "Greene…
## $ health_sa_number                                               <dbl> 252, 25…
## $ health_sa_population                                           <dbl> 105073,…
## $ report_date                                                    <date> 2023-0…
## $ week_end_date                                                  <date> 2023-0…
## $ mmwr_report_week                                               <dbl> 20, 20,…
## $ mmwr_report_year                                               <dbl> 2023, 2…
## $ total_adm_all_covid_confirmed_past_7days                       <dbl> 0, 0, 6…
## $ total_adm_all_covid_confirmed_past_7days_per_100k              <dbl> 0.0, 0.…
## $ total_adm_all_covid_confirmed_past_7days_per_100k_level        <chr> "Low (<…
## $ admissions_covid_confirmed_week_over_week_percent_change       <dbl> NA, NA,…
## $ admissions_covid_confirmed_week_over_week_percent_change_level <chr> "Insufi…
## $ avg_percent_inpatient_beds_used_confirmed_covid                <dbl> 0.1, 0.…
## $ avg_percent_inpatient_beds_used_confirmed_covid_level          <chr> "Minima…
## $ abs_chg_avg_percent_inpatient_beds_occupied_covid_confirmed    <dbl> -0.5, -…
## $ avg_percent_staff_icu_beds_covid                               <dbl> 0.0, 0.…
## $ avg_percent_staff_icu_beds_covid_level                         <chr> "Minima…
## $ abs_chg_avg_percent_staff_icu_beds_covid                       <dbl> 0.0, 0.…

Order the data

Order the data by epiweek (oh, reminder there’s an epiweek function in lubridate that converts dates to epiweeks in case that’s useful!).

hospdata = arrange(hospdata, mmwr_report_week)

Filter rows

Filter rows with the filter function!

For example, only Michigan data:

hospdata_MI = filter(hospdata, state == "MI")

Select columns

Select only the variables we care about:

# Data before selecting
## Rows: 249
## Columns: 22
## $ state                                                          <chr> "MI", "…
## $ county                                                         <chr> "Monroe…
## $ fips_code                                                      <chr> "26115"…
## $ county_population                                              <dbl> 150500,…
## $ health_sa_name                                                 <chr> "Lucas …
## $ health_sa_number                                               <dbl> 276, 28…
## $ health_sa_population                                           <dbl> 792316,…
## $ report_date                                                    <date> 2023-0…
## $ week_end_date                                                  <date> 2023-0…
## $ mmwr_report_week                                               <dbl> 18, 18,…
## $ mmwr_report_year                                               <dbl> 2023, 2…
## $ total_adm_all_covid_confirmed_past_7days                       <dbl> 35, 6, …
## $ total_adm_all_covid_confirmed_past_7days_per_100k              <dbl> 4.4, 6.…
## $ total_adm_all_covid_confirmed_past_7days_per_100k_level        <chr> "Low (<…
## $ admissions_covid_confirmed_week_over_week_percent_change       <dbl> 6.1, -1…
## $ admissions_covid_confirmed_week_over_week_percent_change_level <chr> "Stable…
## $ avg_percent_inpatient_beds_used_confirmed_covid                <dbl> 1.5, 3.…
## $ avg_percent_inpatient_beds_used_confirmed_covid_level          <chr> "Minima…
## $ abs_chg_avg_percent_inpatient_beds_occupied_covid_confirmed    <dbl> -0.3, 0…
## $ avg_percent_staff_icu_beds_covid                               <dbl> 0.4, 4.…
## $ avg_percent_staff_icu_beds_covid_level                         <chr> "Minima…
## $ abs_chg_avg_percent_staff_icu_beds_covid                       <dbl> -0.8, -…
# Select
hospdata_MI = select(hospdata_MI, c("county", "week_end_date", "avg_percent_inpatient_beds_used_confirmed_covid"))

# Data after selecting
## Rows: 249
## Columns: 3
## $ county                                          <chr> "Monroe County", "Onto…
## $ week_end_date                                   <date> 2023-05-06, 2023-05-0…
## $ avg_percent_inpatient_beds_used_confirmed_covid <dbl> 1.5, 3.1, 3.1, 0.3, 0.…


Mutate allows you to make a new column/variable in the dataset, for example if the data didn’t already have an admissions/100K column, we could generate it like this:

hospdata = mutate(hospdata, adm_per_100K = total_adm_all_covid_confirmed_past_7days/county_population)

Okay so what’s a pipe?

A pipe is really just a shorthand that lets you chain functions together in a readable way.

The pipe in R looks like this: %>%

The way it works is that the thing you feed into the pipe becomes the first input to the function after the pipe. This makes running a bunch of data tasks simpler to write. For example here’s some data operations with and without the pipe:

Without the pipe:

hospdata = read_csv("datasets/Weekly_United_States_COVID-19_Hospitalization_Metrics_by_County.csv")

hospdata_MI = filter(hospdata, state == "MI")

hospdata_MI = select(hospdata_MI, c("county", "week_end_date", "total_adm_all_covid_confirmed_past_7days", "county_population"))

hospdata_MI = mutate(hospdata, adm_per_100K = total_adm_all_covid_confirmed_past_7days/county_population)

With the pipe:

hospdata_MI = read_csv("datasets/Weekly_United_States_COVID-19_Hospitalization_Metrics_by_County.csv") %>%
  filter(state == "MI") %>%
  select(c("county", "week_end_date", "total_adm_all_covid_confirmed_past_7days", "county_population")) %>%
  mutate(adm_per_100K = total_adm_all_covid_confirmed_past_7days/county_population)

group_by and summarize

One of the most useful things to combine with the pipe is the group_by function!

This let’s you group your data by a particular variable and then run all your operations split by the groups. You can use this to calculate rolling averages, sums, means, etc. for your groups (e.g. if you wanted to add a new column that’s the rolling average of admissions for each county).

Another super useful one is summarize, which lets you summarize your dataset based on a variable (e.g. taking the mean, SD, sum, etc).

So for example, let’s group by county and then summarize total admissions and total admissions/100K:

hospdata_MI = read_csv("datasets/Weekly_United_States_COVID-19_Hospitalization_Metrics_by_County.csv") %>%
  filter(state == "MI") %>%
  group_by(county) %>%
  summarize(total_admissions = sum(total_adm_all_covid_confirmed_past_7days), 
            total_admissions_per_100K = sum(total_adm_all_covid_confirmed_past_7days_per_100k))

## Rows: 83
## Columns: 3
## $ county                    <chr> "Alcona County", "Alger County", "Allegan Co…
## $ total_admissions          <dbl> 1, 15, 12, 1, 14, 16, 3, 19, 16, 14, 15, 23,…
## $ total_admissions_per_100K <dbl> 1.6, 12.0, 2.9, 1.6, 7.0, 9.3, 6.6, 9.7, 9.3…

Lots more

  • spread and gather
  • distinct
  • sample_n

Merge and join

You’ll often want to merge datasets by a variable—the built in merge is actually pretty good for this, but tidyverse also has some special join commands that make things convenient:

IncomeData = read_csv('Datasets/StateIncomeData.csv')
LifespanData = read_csv('Datasets/StateLifeExpectancy.csv')
MergeData = full_join(IncomeData, LifespanData, by = "State")

## Rows: 51
## Columns: 10
## $ Rank.x                    <dbl> 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13…
## $ State                     <chr> "District of Columbia", "Connecticut", "New …
## $ `Per capita income`       <dbl> 45877, 39373, 37288, 36593, 36338, 34691, 34…
## $ `Median household income` <dbl> 71648, 70048, 69160, 71919, 73971, 66532, 64…
## $ `Median family income`    <dbl> 84094, 88819, 87951, 88419, 89678, 80581, 78…
## $ Population                <dbl> 658893, 3596677, 8938175, 6938608, 5976407, …
## $ `Number of households`    <dbl> 277378, 1355817, 2549336, 3194844, 2165438, …
## $ `Number of families`      <dbl> 117864, 887263, 1610581, 2203675, 1445972, 3…
## $ Rank.y                    <dbl> 43, 3, 9, 5, 26, 8, 24, 6, 18, 34, 2, 11, 13…
## $ Life.Expectancy           <dbl> 76.5, 80.8, 80.3, 80.5, 78.8, 80.3, 79.0, 80…