Workshop information

Welcome! On November 15, 2023, this workshop provided an introduction to the basics of R. All of the material from that workshop is still here!

The next workshop is scheduled for December 4, 2023, and will cover Quarto, a system in RStudio that creates reports, presentations, and more using a combination of R code and markdown syntax.

The URL for this website is:

For today, please download this zip file.

Note: You may need to update RStudio to version 2023.09.1. In RStudio, go to “Help” then “Check for Updates”.

Instructors: Marisa Eisenberg and Julie (Jules) Gilbert (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)

Overview of topics

Below is an overview of the topics we’ll cover.

We’ve given estimated times for each topic below, but note they may be somewhat approximate! We may adjust as needed based on how comfortable everyone is working with R.

0. Pre-workshop set up

You should have received an email already with this info! But if for some reason you haven’t already installed the R, RStudio, and the packages we’ll be using today, here are the instructions and the installation check code that you can run to make sure you’re all set!

0.1 Datasets we will use

Before we start, please download this zip file of all the datasets we will use for this workshop. Put it in whatever folder/directory you plan to put all your workshop code in and then unzip it. You should have a folder called “datasets” with a bunch of csv and excel data inside!

1. Basic use of R, loading packages

12-12:10pm (10 minutes)

Covers: basic use of R, RStudio (the environment, console, etc.), loading packages (basically making sure everyone is set up and ready to go!)

2. Dataframes, loading data, and basic data operations

12:10-12:30pm (20 minutes)

Covers: dataframes, loading csv and excel data, basic operations with dataframes

3. Tidyverse and dplyr: the pipe operator!

12:30-12:50pm (20 minutes)

10 Minute Break for Questions, Water, etc.

4. Visualization with ggplot2

1:00-1:30pm (30 minutes)

5. Maps with Leaflet

1:30-1:50pm (20 minutes)

Workshop 2: Quarto/Rmarkdown

6. Quarto

10:00am - 12:00pm, December 4th, 2023

7. Additional topics (if time!), topics for next time

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