
However, newer versions of macOS don’t give cron access to your full hard drive (so it can run your R script and write the results!), so we’ll have to change the permissions (walk through this together). A couple of explainers about this can be found here and here.

There are two ways to run cronR—through the RStudio addin, and directly in a script. We’ll walk through both next! Example code that we’re going to talk through is below, and the script that we’re going to automate is here:


cmd = cron_rscript("~/Documents/GitHub/epimath/mi-umbrella-R-workshop/cronRexample.R")

cron_add(command = cmd, frequency = 'minutely', at = "00:21", id = 'test1', description = 'My process 1', tags = c('lab', 'xyz'))



cron_clear() # danger zone!


#### if you have a Windows machine, you must use taskscheduleR instead!

library(taskscheduleR) #

myscript <- "~/Documents/GitHub/epimath/mi-umbrella-R-workshop/cronRexample.R" # have to change the "~"

taskscheduler_create(taskname = 'My-process-1', rscript = myscript,
                     schedule = "MINUTE", starttime = "00:21")

tasks <- taskscheduler_ls() # creates a dataframe of all tasks
# simplify
filter(tasks, TaskName != "TaskName") %>% select(TaskName, Status)

## some of these are background tasks, or system tasks that the computer does for 
## regular maintenance 
## if you find "Task Scheduler" on your computer, a window will open up and you'll 
## also be able to see jobs there

taskscheduler_delete(taskname = "My-process-1") # this will remove the task we just scheduled