In this problem, we will examine how the network structure affects how well the Erdos-Renyi SIR mean field model captures the dynamics. Feel free to adapt the code we used in class.
For this problem, we will use both the Erdos-Renyi graph, as well as the Watts-Strogatz small world network. As a reminder, the way the Watts-Strogatz method works is that we start with a ring of nodes, connected to their \(k\) nearest neighbors. We then rewire one end of each edge to a new, randomly chosen neighbor with probability \(\beta\). This results in a network that has mostly local connections, but some long range connections (depending on \(\beta\)), leading to the small world phenomenon of high clustering but low path lengths between nodes.
Another useful feature of this model is that as you adjust \(\beta\) between \(0\) and \(1\), you can move between a very localized ring network when \(\beta = 0\) (matching what we used in cellular automata), to a more random network when \(\beta = 1\) (similar to an Erdos-Renyi network). Note that while the random network we achieve when \(\beta = 1\) (i.e. we rewire all edges) is very similar to an Erdos-Renyi network, it is not quite the same. This is because we only rewire one end of each edge (e.g. we only rewire edges going to clockwise nodes). This rewiring rule means that every node must have at least \(k/2\) edges (unlike in an Erdos-Renyi network, where the degree can potentially range from zero to all other nodes).
Problem 1A) Finding an ‘equivalent’ small-world network. Let’s see if we can find a sort of ‘equivalent’ small world network to match the Erdos-Renyi network we looked at in class. We can do this by setting the average degree of the small world network, \(k\), equal to that of the Erdos-Renyi network. Calculate the average degree of an Erdos-Renyi network with \(N\) nodes and edge probability \(p_e\). Be sure to explain your reasoning as well as giving a formula for the average degree.
Problem 1B) Implementing the simulation on a small-world network. Now that we know what average degree to use, adapt the SIR model on an Erdos-Renyi network that we used in class to run on a Watts-Strogatz network. You can do this as follows:
function, change the network from
the nx.erdos_renyi_graph()
function, to use the
function. This function takes
three arguments: \(N\), the number of
nodes, \(k\), the average degree
(i.e. number of ring neighbors to connect to), and \(\beta\), the rewiring probability.Implement the model and run it a couple of times for a few different \(\beta\) values ranging from 0 to 1 (e.g. at least include \(\beta\) values that are low, medium, and high, and you may want more values of \(\beta\) to fully see how it works!). How well does the Erdos-Renyi mean field model perform as you change \(\beta\) from 0 to 1? In your write-up, be sure to include a couple of plots of the prevalence (fraction of the population that is infected) over time, comparing the Erdos-Renyi mean field prediction to the Watts-Strogatz network simulation.
Problem 1C) Exploring the Erdos-Renyi mean-field model
performance. Running one or two simulations is often not enough
to really explore the model behavior, particularly for a stochastic
model like this one. Adjust your code so that for a given parameter set,
you run at least \(100\) simulations
for \(100\) timesteps each. For this
you will probably want to skip the visualization at each time step (and
the pycxsimulator
function if you’re using it), and instead
run your model in a for
loop without observing it until the
simulation has finished. Some example code for this might be something
timesteps = 100 # number of timesteps per simulation
numsims = 100 # number of simulations to run
# this array will store the time series of fraction infected for each simulation
prevarray = np.zeros([timesteps,numsims])
for i in range(0,numsims): # loop over all simulations
initialize() # initialize each simulation
for j in range(1,timesteps): # loop over the timesteps for that simulation
update() # update
prevarray[:,i] = prev # store the resulting simulation in prevarray
Note however, that if you do it this way you will also need to move
the prev = []
, prev_mf = []
, and
susc_mf = []
lines into the initialize()
function! Otherwise the code as written will keep appending new
prevalences from one simulation to the next, so that when we try to
store each run into our prevarray
, the prev
variable will be the wrong length.
Try running your code for at least five different values of \(\beta\), and be sure to include 0 and 1
(i.e. no rewiring and 100% rewiring). For each choice of \(\beta\) make a plot of all of your
simulations, and plot the mean-field model prediction on top of this as
a line (or use a distinct color, so we can tell the difference between
the mean field and the network simulations). Include your plots in your
writeup. You should see something like this (plotted for \(\beta = 0.5\), with the black line as the
mean field):
Problem 1D) Capturing uncertainty. To more
effectively capture the range of uncertainty in our simulations, adjust
the plots you made in Problem 1C to plot the median across your
simulations, the 5% and 95% quantiles, and the mean-field model
prediction. For this, you may want to use two python functions:
(part of the numpy package) and
part of the pyplot package. Take a look at
the documentation for these two functions to figure out how to use them
with your model output (and feel free to ask me if you have trouble with
Redo the plots for the five (or more) different values of \(\beta\) from Problem 1C. How well does the Erdos-Renyi mean field model capture the dynamics as \(\beta\) changes? Would you feel comfortable using the mean field model for this system (and if so, for what values of \(\beta\))?
Problem 1E) Comparing Watts-Strogatz vs. Erdos-Renyi. Finally, make one more plot like you did in Problem 1D, but now for the Erdos-Renyi graph with \(p_e = 0.06\). Compare this to the Watts-Strogatz plot you made for \(\beta = 1\) in Problem 1D. How well does the mean field model capture the model behavior for the most random Watts-Strogatz network vs. for the Erdos-Renyi network?
This problem is adapted from Sayama, Exercise 16.12. Here we will model the possibility of large scale blackouts (power failures) on a region’s electrical grid. Electrical grids have previously been shown to match a power law degree distribution, indicating a scale-free network, so we will use the Barabasi-Albert preferential attachment model to generate our power grid network. We will consider an undirected, unweighted network, where nodes represent electrical stations/substations, and edges represent high-voltage power transmission lines. While we are modeling this as a power grid in this example, it’s worth noting that similar models are used to examine failures in banks and other financial institutions, among other topics.
Problem 2A) Implement a power grid network model (you can adapt the SIR model code or one of the examples from PyCX for this if you like) with the following rules:
g = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(N,m)
.Implement the model and simulate time forward (say for around 50 timesteps, or however long until the dynamics settle). Then change the initial load so that one node chosen at random has a load greater than its capacity (say by setting its load equal to $1 + $ its capacity) and simulate the model again. What dynamics do you observe? You may need to try this a couple of times. Include any relevant plots to illustrate the dynamics you see.
For this problem, you may want to use two python functions to sample
form a normal distribution and uniform distribution:
np.random.uniform(min, max)
(where you’ll also need to
import numpy, e.g. import numpy as np
Problem 2B) Next, try adjusting the initial load ranges to be closer or further from the maximum capacity (e.g. compare loads ranging from 10-100%, 50-100%, and 80-100%, etc.). How does the size and frequency of the cascade failures change?
Problem 2C) Now that we have the model running,
let’s try it with a real-world power grid network. Download the Western United
States power grid network from Mark Newman’s website (it’s listed as
‘Power grid’), from D. J. Watts and S. H. Strogatz, Nature 393, 440-442
(1998). Load the network as a graph using
g = nx.read_gml('power/power.gml',label='id')
. Note that
this network is somewhat large (4941 nodes)! Be careful running things
on this network as it may run very slowly.
Plot the network using the spectral layout,
, (note that because the network
is large, the usual spring layout that we use can be very slow, so the
spectral layout is often faster). How does the network structure look?
Does it look like the simulated networks we generated earlier? (If not,
what is different?) Then plot the network degree distribution (on a
log-log scale). Does this network appear to be scale free?
Problem 2D) Run the model on the Western United
States power grid network, again with a random node chosen to be over
capacity when you initialize the system (you can use 50-100% initial
load for this model). However, don’t try to visualize it at every time
step! This will probably be too slow to run. Instead, just run the model
in a for
loop (similar to Problem 1) for at least 20
simulations (even 20 simulations may take a while depending on how you
code this and how fast your computer/colab is), and at the end of each
simulation tabulate the total number of failed nodes, i.e. the total
size of the electrical blackout resulting from the node failure.
Generate a histogram of the blackout sizes (i.e. the size of the
cascades) from each simulation. How robust is this power network to
random node failure? In what percent of simulations do more than 10% of
the nodes fail?