
What is PyCX?

  • Developed by Hiroki Sayama

  • A python library that provides a convenient way to visualize ABMs, cellular automata, etc.
    • Includes a GUI
    • 'Info' tab
    • Easy to add interactive parameter control (parameter sliders, etc.)
  • Also includes a wide range of example scripts
    • Classic models of many kinds (not just ABMs—ODEs, networks, etc.)
    • These can be very useful as starting points for building your own models!

How to get PyCX

  • Download from the PyCX GitHub: https://github.com/hsayama/PyCX
  • Compatible with Python 2.7 or 3
  • Several packages we will often want to use (be sure these are installed):
    • Numpy, scipy, matplotlib, random, math, and networkx

Using PyCX

  • To use PyCX, make sure you put the file pycxsimulator.py in the directory where you have your model code (or wherever your working directory is)

  • Try out the package: open and run abm-segregation-discrete.py to run the Schelling Model

PyCX Example Models

  • The file names of sample codes use the following prefixes:
    • "ds-": for low-dimensional dynamical systems
    • "dynamic-": for demonstration of how to use pycxsimulator.py
    • "ca-": for cellular automata
    • "pde-": for partial differential equations
    • "net-": for network models
    • "abm-": for agent-based models

PyCX model template

Start by loading needed packages & defining model parameters

import pycxsimulator
from pylab import *  # imports numpy and pyplot

# import necessary modules
# define model parameters

PyCX model template

Next, build three functions we will need

def initialize():
    global # list global variables
    # initialize system states
def observe():
    global # list global variables
    cla() # to clear the visualization space
    # visualize system states

def update():
    global # list global variables
    # update system states for one discrete time step

PyCX model template

Lastly, run the model!

pycxsimulator.GUI().start(func=[initialize, observe, update])

  • Note that PyCX is very agnostic about how you code the model—it really just provides a nice simulation and visualization GUI

Let's build a simple model!

  • Let's implement the voting model we built in the Emoji-simulator

  • Simple voting model
    • 100 x 100 grid full of agents
      • Wrap the grid so that edge agents have neighbors on the opposite side
    • Each agent starts with an initial planned vote of "yes" or "no"
      (0 = no, 1 = yes)
      • Set each agent's initial vote with a 0.5 probability of yes
    • Each agent will change vote if more than half of queen-type neighbors vote the other way

Voting model in PyCX

Start by loading PyCX and setting parameters

import pycxsimulator
from pylab import *

n = 100 # size of space: n x n
p = 0.5 # initial agent probability of voting yes

Voting model in PyCX

Initialize the model

def initialize():
    # Things we need to access from different functions go here (discuss globals)
    global config, nextconfig
    # Build our grid of agents - fill with zeros for now
    config = zeros([n, n])
    # Set them to vote yes with probability p
    for y in range(n):
        for x in range(n):
            if random() < p: config[x, y] = 1
    # Set the next timestep's grid to zeros for now (we'll update in the update function)
    nextconfig = zeros([n, n])

Voting model in PyCX

Update the model at each time step

def update():
    global config, nextconfig
    # Go through each cell and check if they should change their vote in the next step
    for x in range(n):
        for y in range(n):
            count = 0  # variable to keep track of how many neighbors are voting yes
            for dx in [-1, 0, 1]:       # check the cell before/middle/after
                for dy in [-1, 0, 1]:   # check above/middle/below 
                # discuss nesting for loops vs. not---what does this change?
                    # Add to count if neighbor is voting yes (note you also count yourself!)
                    count += config[(x + dx) % n, (y + dy) % n] # discuss 

Voting model in PyCX

Update function continued

(This code goes outside the for dx and for dy loops but inside the
for x and for y loops)

            # Now that we know how many neighbors are voting yes, decide what to do
            if config[x,y] == 0: # if this agent was going to vote no
                nextconfig[x, y] = 1 if count > 4 else 0 
                # note we only change the vote for nextconfig, not config!
            else: # otherwise agent was going to vote yes (could also do elif)
                nextconfig[x, y] = 0 if (8 - (count-1)) > 4 else 1  
                # note we reduced count by 1 since count included self
    # advance config forward one step and reset nextconfig       
    config, nextconfig = nextconfig, zeros([n, n])
    # Can also be a little more efficient and do config, nextconfig = nextconfig, config

Voting model in PyCX

Observe function

def observe():
    global config, nextconfig
    cla() # clear visualization
    imshow(config, vmin = 0, vmax = 1, cmap = cm.binary) # display grid!

And let's run it!

pycxsimulator.GUI().start(func=[initialize, observe, update])


You can add text to the Info tab of the GUI by adding a comment to the initialize function:

def initialize():
Information about my model goes here.
This is a voting model that does some neat stuff.
Copyright 2020 CSCS 530
global # etc

Interactive parameters

  • You can also add interactive parameters to the GUI by writing a "parameter setter" function
  • For example, let's make one for the initial probability of voting yes:

    def setvoteprob (val = p):
        Parameter info---this will be displayed when you mouse-over on parameter setter
        global p
        p = float(val) # or int(val), str(val), etc.
        return val
  • Then, we pass this parameter setter to the pycxsimulator.GUI() when we run our model:

    pycxsimulator.GUI(parameterSetters = [setvoteprob]).start(func=[initialize, observe, update])

Simulating without PyCX

  • One nice feature of the PyCX setup is that you can move away from it relatively easily when you want to do more complicated analyses
  • Try running initialize() and then running update() a few times without using PyCX
  • You can design your own visualizations, how to store results, etc., and then just run a loop over your timesteps
  • The PyCX framework encourages organized functions for model setup, running, etc., but then you can move to your own system for final visualization and analysis