
Guidelines for Lab/HW Assignments

Please feel free to work together on your assignments! Working together is a great way to learn and is highly encouraged. However, you must each turn in your own HW/lab writeup and code.

How to turn in assignments

All labs/homeworks will be turned in via the course Canvas site.

What to turn in/how to format your writeups

Please turn in:

If you have any questions about what to turn in/what should go in the write-up, please ask!

Grading rubric

(This rubric is tentative—we’ll update this section after the first HW if we end up deciding to change the rubric!)

Each problem in the homeworks/labs will be evaluated on a 0 to 4 scale, given below (with examples of the types of issues shown as bulleted lists). We will often also include extra notes and comments on your assignment to help with sorting out any issues/bugs.

0: Didn’t turn anything in

1: Turned in but missing parts/multiple major issues

2: Generally correct but a few major issues

3: Generally correct with minor issues

4: Awesome!