Course Syllabus

Course schedule

To be added after the initial topic discussion on Monday. Topics are subject to change and rearrangement! (We may also not get to all the topics listed)

2. Parameter estimation and maximum likelihood (Sep 1, 2021 & Sep 8, 2021)

Journal Club (Sep 13, 2021)

3. Uncertainty and identifiability

4. Intro to MCMC & Bayesian approaches

Journal Club (Oct 4, 2021)

5. Data-scraping and data-wrangling

(moved this up since it might be useful for making data sets we can play with for the ML and networks sections below)

Journal Club (Oct 13, 2021)

6. Sampling-based approaches to global sensitivity analysis

Journal Club (Oct 25, 2021 and Oct 27, 2021)

7. Basic intro to some useful algorithms/machine learning methods - Clustering

8. Reproduction number - next generation matrix approaches
  • The next generation matrix and thinking about the linear algebra of the next generation matrix

  • Maybe: type and target reproduction numbers, stochastic \(\mathcal{R}_0\), \(\mathcal{R}_0\) for networks

  • Guest lecture by Andrew Brouwer

9. Reproduction number - data driven approaches to \(\mathcal{R}_0\) and \(\mathcal{R}_t\)

10. Parallelization in R and Python

11. Basic intro to some useful algorithms/machine learning methods - Classification

12. Time series analysis intro

13. Visualization with ggplot2

14. Other topics to cover if time!
  • Parallelizing code in R (maybe combine with another topic since we can do an example fairly quickly)

  • Shiny apps and interactives

  • Bootstrapping

  • Methods for stochastic models

  • Compartmental models and DAGs

  • And other stuff—topological data analysis, Kullback-Liebler divergence