For today’s lab, we’ll use the BayesianTools
package, which has a bunch of different methods built in.
Methods marked in italics are included in the BayesianTools
package, but I’ve included a couple of other common ones since they’re in commonly used packages like Stan
. Links to more info included as well (also more info here)!
As a simple example to get to know the BayesianTools
package, let’s set up a similar normal distribution model to the one we built last time. We’ll suppose the data comes from a normal distribution with unknown \(\mu\), and known \(\sigma = 30\).
Let’s simulate some basic data to run our example:
data = rnorm(50,0,30) # here we're supposing the true mean is zero, and sampling 55 data points
The likelihood is just a normal distribution evaluated for our data set and whatever value of \(\mu\) we’re considering using:
loglike = function(par){
sum(dnorm(data, par, 30, log = T))
Now, we create a BayesianSetup—this is an object that has the prior and likelihood information that BayesianTools
We can set a prior using a distribution, or if we want to assume a uniform distribution with a given range, we can just provide the upper and lower limits. Note that if we don’t specify a prior, BayesianTools
will use an infinite uniform prior (basically equivalent to just using the likelihood).
We’ll also set the total number of iterations to run. We can set the starting values for the parameters, but if we don’t, BayesianTools
will default to sampling them from the prior, which is often a good idea anyhow.
setup = createBayesianSetup(likelihood = loglike, lower = -20, upper = 20)
settings = list(iterations = 10000, message=F)
Now, let’s run the MCMC! We’ll use the default algorithm for now (a form of differential evolution). Let’s also spit out some summary statistics and plots.
res = runMCMC(bayesianSetup = setup, settings = settings)
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
## ## MCMC chain summary ##
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
## # MCMC sampler: DEzs
## # Nr. Chains: 3
## # Iterations per chain: 3334
## # Rejection rate: 0.545
## # Effective sample size: 2295
## # Runtime: 0.891 sec.
## # Parameters
## psf MAP 2.5% median 97.5%
## par 1 1.006 7.158 -1.092 7.09 15.186
## ## DIC: 483.844
## ## Convergence
## Gelman Rubin multivariate psrf:
## ## Correlations
## par 1
## par 1 1
Now, let’s expand this a bit and try a disease model with multiple parameters.
First, let’s set up the model, initial conditions, and generate some data to use for fitting. We’ll use an SI model, supposing a population of \(N = 10000\) individuals: \[\begin{aligned} \dot{S} &= - \beta SI + \gamma I\\ \dot{I} &= \beta SI - \gamma I \\ y &= \kappa N I \end{aligned} \] We’ll take our unknown parameters to be \(\beta, \gamma\), and \(\kappa\). To simulate data, we’ll suppose the data comes from a normal distribution with mean \(y\) and variance \(20\%\) of \(y\).
#### SI model ####
SIode = function(t, x, params){
S = x[1]
I = x[2]
b = params[1]
g = params[2]
dS = -b*S*I + g*I
dI = b*S*I - g*I
list(c(dS, dI))
#### Measurement equation ####
yfun = function(x,params){x[,3]*10000*params[3]}
#### Simulate data ####
times = seq(0,100,1)
trueparams = c(0.25,0.1,0.15)
xsimdata = ode(c(0.99,0.01), times, SIode, trueparams, method='ode45')
data = rnorm(length(times),yfun(xsimdata,trueparams),0.2*yfun(xsimdata,trueparams))
Now, we can make the likelihood function, which is the same normal distribution setup we used to generate the data, but now viewed as a function of the parameters with the data fixed.
loglike = function(par){
xtemp = ode(c(0.99,0.01), times, SIode, par, method='ode45')
return(sum(dnorm(data, yfun(xtemp,par), 0.2*yfun(xtemp,par), log = T)))
Lastly, let’s run the MCMC—for our priors, let’s take uniform distributions between \(0\) and \(0.5\) for all the parameters (you can play with this to make something a little more realistic if you want).
setup = createBayesianSetup(likelihood = loglike, lower = c(0,0,0), upper = c(0.5,0.5,0.5))
settings = list(iterations = 10000, message=F)
res = runMCMC(bayesianSetup = setup, settings = settings)
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
## ## MCMC chain summary ##
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
## # MCMC sampler: DEzs
## # Nr. Chains: 3
## # Iterations per chain: 3334
## # Rejection rate: 0.789
## # Effective sample size: 458
## # Runtime: 18.565 sec.
## # Parameters
## psf MAP 2.5% median 97.5%
## par 1 1.004 0.268 0.241 0.269 0.313
## par 2 1.005 0.122 0.091 0.123 0.170
## par 3 1.009 0.162 0.143 0.163 0.188
## ## DIC: 649765.9
## ## Convergence
## Gelman Rubin multivariate psrf:
## ## Correlations
## par 1 par 2 par 3
## par 1 1.000 0.834 0.411
## par 2 0.834 1.000 0.773
## par 3 0.411 0.773 1.000
Based on this, it looks like we’re reasonably well burned in after roughly 1000 iterations. Let’s plot the marginal parameter densities starting from there:
marginalPlot(res, start=1000)
We may also want to examine the correlations between parameters (this can also help inform us about the identifiability of the parameters):
Now, the default plots don’t actually tell us how well the model is fitting the data, so let’s take a look. First, we can simulate and plot the model using the maximum a posteriori parameter values:
mapests = MAP(res) # MAP generates a list with the MAP parameter estimates, and the associated posterior, likelihood, and prior.
xmap = ode(c(0.99,0.01), times, SIode, mapests$parametersMAP)
Looks pretty good! But we should also look at the effect of the uncertainty in the parameters. Let’s pull a sample of 1000 values from our chain and plot the model behavior for each sampled parameter set:
# Pull a sample of 1000 parameter sets from our Markov chain
paramsample = getSample(res, parametersOnly = F, numSamples = 1000)
## Warning: Due to internal chains, numSamples was rounded to the next number
## divisble by the number of chains.
# We're going to run the model for each parameter set,
# and save the output y to ysample
ysample = matrix(0,length(times),length(paramsample[,1]))
for(i in 1:length(paramsample[,1])){
xtemp = ode(c(0.99,0.01), times, SIode, paramsample[i,1:3])
ysample[,i] = yfun(xtemp,paramsample[i,1:3])
# Now let's plot!
matplot(times,ysample,type='l',col="grey") # sample trajectories
points(times,data) # data
lines(xmap[,1],yfun(xmap,mapests$parametersMAP),type='l',col='red') # MAP estimate
To make this a little cleaner, we can/should also make credible intervals—see the Other things to try section below.
We can generate a prior using some of the pre-built functions in BayesianTools
, or if you want, you can make your own from scratch (you just have to give BayesianTools
a density function (like dnorm
) and a sampler (like rnorm
)). Let’s try using a truncated normal distribution:
newprior = createTruncatedNormalPrior(mean = rep(0.5,3), sd = rep(5,3), lower = rep(0,3), upper = c(2,2,1))
bayesianSetup = createBayesianSetup(likelihood = loglike, prior = newprior)
Now we could run this just like before, with runMCMC
. Alternatively, we might want to take the posterior of our estimation, and use it as the prior for a new run (for example, if are getting new data). In that case, we can use:
newprior = createPriorDensity(res, method = "multivariate", eps = 1e-10, lower = rep(0,3), upper = rep(1,3), best = NULL)
bayesianSetup = createBayesianSetup(likelihood = loglike, prior = newprior)
Some vignettes from the package documentation - includes tutorial examples and illustrates how to use different sampling methods.