- 96.
Report Wastewater-based Disease Surveillance for Public Health Action
- Committee on Community Wastewater-based Infectious Disease Surveillance (includes Eisenberg, MC)
Peer-reviewed consensus study report for the National Academy of Sciences, commissioned by the CDC. National Academies Press. 2023. DOI: 10.17226/26767.
- 95.
Longitudinal and Quantitative Fecal Shedding Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2, Pepper Mild Mottle Virus and CrAssphage
- Arts PJ, Kelly JD, Midgley CM, Anglin K, Lu S, Abedi GR, Andino RN, Bakker KM, Banman B, Boehm A, Briggs-Hagen M, Brouwer AF, Davidson MC, Eisenberg MC, Garcia Knight MA, Knight S, Peluso MJ, Pineda-Ramirez J, Tassetto M, Diaz-Sanchez R, Saydeh S, Martin JN, and Wigginton KR
mSphere, in press.
- 87.
Oral human papillomavirus prevalence, persistence, and risk-factors in HIV-positive and HIV-negative adults
- Riddell IV J, Brouwer AF, Walline HM, Campredon LP, Meza R, Eisenberg MC, Andrus EC, Delinger RL, Yost ML, McCloskey JK, Thomas TB, Huang S, Ferris RL, Shin DM, Fakhry C, Ow T, Li D, Berlot A, Carey TE, Schlecht NF
Tumour virus research 1;13:200237.
- 85.
Prevalence and determinants of oral and cervicogenital HPV infection: Baseline analysis of the Michigan HPV and Oropharyngeal Cancer (MHOC) cohort study
- Brouwer AF, Campredon LP, Walline HM, Marinelli BM, Goudsmit CM, Thomas TB, Delinger RL, Lau YK, Andrus EC, Yost ML, McCloskey JK, Sullivan TS, Mortensen AS, Huang S, Murphy K, Cheng B, Stanek K, Nair T, Carey TE, Meza R*, Eisenberg MC* (* Equal contribution)
PloS one 17 (5): e0268104.
- 83.
The United States COVID-19 Forecast Hub dataset
- Cramer EY, Huang Y, Wang Y, Ray EL, Cornell M, Bracher J, Brennen A, Rivadeneira AJC, Gerding A, House K, Jayawardena D, Kanji AH, Khandelwal A, Le K, Mody V, Mody V, Niemi J, Stark A, Shah A, Wattanchit N, Zorn MW, Reich NG, US COVID-19 Forecast Hub Consortium (includes Eisenberg MC)
Scientific Data 1;9(1):462.
- 82.
Evaluation of individual and ensemble probabilistic forecasts of COVID-19 mortality in the United States
- Cramer EY, Ray EL, Lopez VK, Bracher J, Brennen A, Castro Rivadeneira AJ, Gerding A, Gneiting T, House KH, Huang Y, Jayawardena D, ..., Corsetti SM, Baer TM, Eisenberg MC, Falb K, Huang Y, Martin ET, McCauley E, Myers RL, Schwarz T, et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 12;119(15):e2113561119.
- 81.
Incidence and clearance of oral and cervicogenital HPV infection: longitudinal analysis of the MHOC cohort study
- Brouwer AF, Campredon LP, Walline HM, Marinelli BM, Goudsmit CM, Thomas TB, Delinger RLi, Lau YK, Andrus EC, Nair T, Carey TE, Eisenberg MC*, Meza R*. (* Equal contribution)
BMJ Open 12 (1): e056502.
- 76.
Cost-effectiveness of pediatric norovirus vaccination in daycare settings
- Steimle LN, Havumaki J, Eisenberg MC, Eisenberg JN, Prosser LA, Pike J, Ortega-Sanchez IR, Mattison CP, Hall AJ, Steele MK, Lopman BA.
Vaccine 39 (15): 2133-45.
- 71.
SARS-CoV-2 surveillance in decedents in a large, urban medical examiner’s office
- Brouwer AF, Myers JL, Martin ET, Konopka KE, Lauring AS, Eisenberg MC, Lephart PR, Nguyen T, Jaworski A, Schmidt CJ.
Clinical infectious diseases 72(10): e580-e585.
- 67.
Time-varying survival effects for squamous cell carcinomas at oropharyngeal and nonoropharyngeal head and neck sites in the United States, 1973–2015
- Brouwer AF, He K, Chinn SB, Mondul AM, Chapman CH, Ryser MD, Banerjee M, Eisenberg MC, Meza R, Taylor JM.
Cancer 126(23): 5137-46.
- 65.
Characteristics of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell Lines reflect human tumor biol- ogy independent of primary etiologies and HPV status
- Nair TS, Thomas TB, Yang L, Kakaraparthi BN, Morris AC, Clark AM, Campredon LP, Brouwer AF, Eisenberg MC, Meza R, Carey TE.
Translational oncology 13(10):100808.
- 52.
Epidemiology of the silent polio outbreak in Rahat, Israel based on modeling of environmental surveillance data
- Brouwer AF, Eisenberg JNS, Pomeroy CD, Shulman LM, Hindiyeh M, Manor Y, Grotto I, Koopman JS, and Eisenberg MC.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, In press.
Press release
The Conversation
Daily Beast
- 50.
Dynamics and Determinants of HPV Infection: The Michigan HPV and Oropharyngeal Cancer (M-HOC) Study
- Eisenberg MC*, Campredon LP, Brouwer AF, Walline, HM, Marinelli BM, Lau YK, Thomas TB, Sullivan TS, Yost ML, Goudsmit CM, Carey TE, Meza R*. (*equal co-authorship)
BMJ Open, 8:e021618.
- 26.
Design and Methods of a Social Network Isolation Study for Reducing Respiratory Infection Transmission: The eX-FLU Cluster Randomized Trial
- Aiello AE, Simanek AM, Eisenberg MC, Walsh AR, Davis B, Volz E, Cheng C, Rainey JJ, Uzicanin A, Gao H, Osgood N, Knowles D, Stanley K, Tarter K, Monto AS.
Epidemics, 15:38-55.
- 18.
What factors might have led to the emergence of Ebola in West Africa? PubMed
- Alexander KA, Sanderson CE, Marathe M, Lewis BL, Rivers CM, Shaman J, Drake JM, Lofgren E, Dato VM, Eisenberg MC, Eubank S.
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9(6): e0003652.
- 16.
Opinion: Mathematical models: A key tool for outbreak response (letter/commentary)
- Lofgren L, Halloran ME, Rivers CM, Drake JM, Porco TC, Lewis B, Yang W, Vespignani A, Shaman J, Eisenberg JNS, Eisenberg MC, Marathe M, Scarpino SV, Alexander KA, Meza R, Ferrari MJ, Hyman JM, Meyers LA, and Eubank S.
PNAS 2014 111 (51) 18095-18096.
- 15.
Ebola: Mobility Data (letter/commentary)
- Halloran EM, Vespignani A, Bharti N, Feldstein LR, Alexander K, Ferrari M, Shaman J, Drake JM, Porco T, Eisenberg J, DeValle S, Lofgren E, Scarpino SV, Eisenberg MC, Gao D, Hyman JM, Eubank S, Longini IM.
Science 346 (6208): 433.