Computational Modeling of Complex Systems (Complex Systems 530), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – an introduction to computational approaches to complex systems, particularly focused on agent-based models, as well as cellular automata, network models, sensitivity analysis, and other topics. (previous versions: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)
Introduction to Complex Systems Modeling for Public Health (Epid 793), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – a summer short-course intensive introduction to complex systems/math modeling in public health.
Advanced Modeling Methods (Epid 814), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – graduate course in mathematical modeling methods and working with data, including parameter estimation approaches (such as maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods), uncertainty quantification, stochastic models, topics from dynamical systems, data scraping, data visualization, and basics of machine learning. (previous versions: 2017, 2019)
Introduction to Mathematical Modeling in Epidemiology & Public Health (Epid 633), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – basic introduction to math modeling in epidemiology, with examples drawn broadly from infectious disease, chronic disease, and social epidemiology.
Systems Modeling of Social Processes, Behavior, and Chronic Disease (Epid 637), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – complex system modeling of chronic diseases and social behavior processes, using agent-based, network models, and dynamic system models.
Scientific Communication for Epidemiologists (Epid 530), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – overview of scientific writing and communication.
Foundations of Higher Mathematics (Math 345), The Ohio State University (Fall 2010) – this course introduces students (primarily math majors) to basic proof techniques, logic, and set theory.
Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Networks, McGill University (Summer 2010) - developed and taught a series of labs and research projects on symmetry and networks for the joint CAMBAM/MBI summer school (together with Yunjiao Wang and Marty Golubitsky).