Welcome! The Federation Starship Epimath is an Intrepid class starship, based in the departments of Epidemiology, Complex Systems, & Mathematics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Our primary mission is in mathematical epidemiology, and is focused on using and developing parameter estimation and identifiability techniques to model disease dynamics.
Much of our work is in building multi-scale models of infectious diseases, including examining cholera, environmentally driven diseases, and HPV dynamics. Our research blends mathematics, statistics, and epidemiology to understand transmission dynamics, inform optimal intervention strategies, and improve forecasting.
Email: marisae@umich.edu
Phone: (734) 763-2991
Github: Epimath
Google Scholar
Office: 5166 SPH-II
Mailing Address
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Ongoing Studies & Groups
Michigan HPV and Oropharyngeal Cancer
(M-HOC) Study (Eisenberg & Meza PIs)
UM MIDAS Group on Environmental
Transmission Systems Modeling
NIH MIDAS (Models of Infectious Disease
Agent Systems) Network
Department of Epidemiology
Department of Mathematics
Center for the Study of Complex Systems
Center for Systems Biology